Short summary
At some point in an extensive business organization, there is a moment in time when it comes up against challenges of the law associated with big numbers. In other words, a big company cannot keep expanding at the same rate forever. For an extended period, individuals have been exploring the fact that Apple is finally realizing its bigness. Since the year 2003, Apple revenues fell for the first time in the year 2016 (Bogus, 2015). Apple had been enjoying the benefits of operating its business on a large scale by increasing its production line. The implications of this focused on curbing long-run average costs over an extended number of output. However, it is imperative to note that, although Apple has been reaping the benefits of operating on a large scale, it is also one of its undoings in recent years because of the increasing cries from some members to curtail its power.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Apple Inc Bigness.
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Ashutosh Singh