We need to make a few ARTICLES to explain how to use the website. The articles should have both text and pictures/screenshots for easy to understand. You also need to publish the articles on some websites. The website URL and some example outlines/text/articles are in the dropbox link below. You can do the work based on one of them. Or you're not limited to the sample text in the dropbox link. Feel free to create your own to stand out. For each outline in the sample doc, you can create ...
We are launching a website platform and would like to make a few tutorial and how to use videos. the website URL and sample scripts are in the dropbox link below. The tutorial videos should be elegant and classy. if you don't win, but your video is great, we may also buy it to use it as the tutorial video. we need several videos! No TEMPLATE! You need to customize the video based on our feedback. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/hb96vf6i6msch4umxfdt4/AMgjVGQ1BWzbSnJcCuG2doo?rlkey=3xsc8p...
I'm looking for a creative and technically-savvy content creator to develop comprehensive sales enablement materials, including blog posts, case studies, and sales collateral (maybe help with video content as well) for our newly created websites. This is a key role in establishing our market presence and telling our story effectively. The project will primarily focus on blog posts aimed at driving traffic to our website and engaging prospective customers. Skills in SEO, engaging writing...
pls submit logos of various styles.
I need a Mockup Designs & Converted into HTML for a new-user wizard for my website. The wizard will start with an Introduction/Welcome page, where new users will initially land. Then the user should click the buttons as instructed by the wizard to know how to use the website step-by-step. The wizard should be on two or three pages for a new user. Then it asks the user to click the particular button on this page to know how to proceed. Key Features: - The wizard should have a clean, intui...
Hello test
we need someone to help us design a new UI for our website. The UI has to be eye catching. After you participate this contest, I'll send you more information about the content of the UI.
We want to design a beautiful webpage based on keywords/sentences about group working in network marketing. The page need to be fully responsive as well for both large screens and mobile screens. Our website has a main website color. So, in your design, make sure you use a main page color. for example, a color like red, or green. This color can be changed later to match with other pages of our website. You can find the overall page element in the dropbox link in the attached txt file. The ...
We are drafting a patent application. It's related to a website that is based on multi-level marketing. The patent application will be submitted in USA and later in PCT. You need to be familiar with patent drafting in software, e-commerce, website/mobile application etc. We need the draft to be done in this week! We will provide the overview/background descriptions etc and the key ideas of the patent application. you need to help us complete the whole application, including all the c...
I want a simple yet attractive logo for my youtube channel. My channel is about cooking.
We need a few graphic designs for our new logo/app splash screen/icon/business card, etc. The expected deliverables are: 1. English logo 2. Chinese logo (good to have, OK to skip) 3. app splash screen 4. app icon 5. business card-front 6. business card-back The old graphic designs are in the following link. In the link it also has an existing web UI. The new designs should follow the same style as our existing website. [removed] Chat with me if you need more information. All are welcome.